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Training Workshops & Seminars

The following provides information about HPS workshops and seminars that can be presented as in-house or public sessions. Call 706-769-5836 for information on scheduling in-house sessions or visit the links below.

These are, without a doubt, the most powerful personality based training programs available. They are all state-of-the-art, multimedia training sessions loaded with practical exercises and applications. You learn by doing. An extensive participant notebook and other materials are provided. If you want to learn how to apply MBTI and/or FIRO in the areas of leadership, teams, communication, conflict and the New Sciences, then these training sessions are for you.


The CommunicationWheel ®
Decision Making Under Stress

EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360

FIRO™ Element B ™ Certification Workshop
High Performance Leadership - Essentials
Pearman Personality Integrator

The Human Element ®


ARSENAL™ Online Certification Workshop

Online Certification Summary: This engaging online forum will teach attendees how to administer the ARSENAL™ Individual Assessment and to provide feedback to clients for the purpose of helping them to take control of individual or organizational stress and to create development plans to build stress resilience capacity. Click here or main Certification link above for more information.

The CommunicationWheel® Certification Workshop

The CommunicationWheel® represents a major breakthrough in communication using psychological type. In use for two decades and backed by validated research and field testing, this powerful system gives you a competitive advantage with clients. Not only is this an easier way to explain how type affects communication, but you can help them identify communication problems before they become costly mistakes. You will also be able to provide an immediate profile of a group or team to help them understand why communication problems exist and what to do about them.

EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360

The EQ-i 2.0 Certification Workshop* prepares you to administer and interpret the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 assessments, provide feedback on the results and teach a one-day EI class.

High Performance Leadership-Essentials

Doing more with less requires leaders--more than ever before--to make timely decisions, eliminate waste and inefficiency, anticipate the unexpected and inspire maximum performance from employees. This practical, hands-on course is designed to give the right combination of skills, tools and techniques to achieve high performance.

The course is 3-days in length and includes a 360 degree assessment, mind mapping, the LEAD™ model, MBTI ®, 3-D TEAM™ model and numerous experiential exercises to help leaders become proficient with the new skills. It is absolutely THE best supervisory/management course available!

Decision Making Under Stress

When emergencies occur, all employees need to be equipped with tools and training for effective Decision Making Under Stress (DMUS) in order to achieve the best possible outcome, every time. In addition, leaders need focused training on how to build more stress-resilient teams, departments and organizations as a whole.

Element B™ Certification Workshop

The Element B Certification Course prepares you to administer and interpret the Element B assessment, provide feedback on the results and use Element B in a variety of applications such as leader development and coaching, teambuilding, leader selection and much more.

MSCEIT™2 Certification

An ability-based test of emotional intelligence. It is not a self report of how you perceive yourself or want to be perceived by others. It tests your actual EI ability.

ABLE® Certification

The ABLE Online Certification Workshop will prepare you to administer and interpret the ABLE family of assessments and provide feedback on the results, allowing you to set benchmarks for training and development initiatives, as well as for executive coaching. 

Pearman™ Personality Integrator

The Pearman Personality Integrator (Pearman) looks at behaviors that are most natural (comfortable) and those that are required or demonstrated in a person's every day environment. Explore the differences, the similarities and a person's flexibility to operate outside of his or her comfort zone.

The Human Element ®

The Schutz Company’s Human Element training provides an integrated approach to the human issues in your organization. Its key purpose is to enable individuals and teams to identify and remedy the underlying causes of behavior that blocks successful performance and change.

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