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An Application Tool for the MBTI Instrument.

Introducing the Pearman Personality Integrator

Pearman™ Personality Integrator

An innovative assessment that ends Personality Stereotypes and goes deeper in to the uniqueness of personality.

More of What You Want From a Personality Assessment

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Go back to the roots of personality type theory and gain new insights in to the way people operate in the 21st Century. The Pearman Personality Integrator (Pearman) looks at behaviors that are most natural (comfortable) and those that are required or demonstrated in a person's every day environment. Explore the differences, the similarities
and a person's flexibility to operate outside of his or her comfort zone.

Why Another Personality Assessment?

A complaint MBTI® type practitioners often hear from clients is that assessment results "label people" or "put them in boxes." In reality, people often identify so strongly with the pattern of their own MBTI type preferences, it can become an explanation (or excuse) for their behavior. Well-known author and personality type expert Dr. Roger Pearman has taken personality measurement to a new level.

The Pearman encourages you to move beyond a type pattern and gain greater use of all your psychological resources. This assessment represents personality along a continuum and does away with the need to choose one personality type over another. Respondents feel a greater fit with their results.

Adapting to change and being resilient to setbacks are necessary to success. The Pearman FlexIndex measures how well a person is able to leverage his/her psychological resources to operate at peak capacity. This makes it perfectly suited to use with your talent development initiatives. Take The Pearman now and experience a new appreciation for your unique abilities.

Assessment Validity

The Pearman combines the science you expect from MHS assessments with the utility and awareness of personality type. The Pearman is a normed assessment complete with scores, validity indicators, item-level information and rigorous psychometric backing.

Sample Reports

Click here to view a list of the various report samples.


The Pearman Personality Integrator can be combined with the EQi 2.0®, EQ 360®, TESI® and other assessments. It is ideally suited for use in:

  • Leadership Development
  • Coaching/Mentoring
  • Succession Planning/High-Potential Development
  • Increasing Self-Awareness
  • Improving Communication
  • Higher Education
  • And More . . .

Watch an information video, here.

Become certified to administer The Pearman Personality Integrator. Get information on Certification dates and course outline, click here.

For more information call us at 706-769-5836.

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