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Talent is one key—Teamwork is the other.

HPS has combined the basic tenets of group and systems dynamics, high performance, personality and more to create a High Performing Team Model unlike any other. Core team skills are developed over time. As teams advance to higher levels of performance, these core skills must be refined and additional high performing team skills added.

Definition of a Team

A Team is an interdependent grouping of individuals organized around a process, each performing a critical function required for process success.

— from Why Teams Don’t Work: Newton Was Not a Team Player

HPS Team Philosophy/Approach

High Performing Systems takes a systems approach to teams and team development. Systems (and teams) depend on how their components interact more than on how they behave independently. This interaction that takes place among team members—team dynamics—ultimately determines whether the team moves forward or stalls.

Key Factors

To be successful working with teams requires an in-depth understanding of these three key factors:

1. Teams are made up of people working together to perform a process.
2. The team concept must be integrated throughout the organization.
3. Team success depends on understanding and applying the basic Team Principles.

We have extensive experience working in all phases of team design and development, including Implementing Teams, Designing Successful Teams, Team Leadership and High Performing Teams.

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