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Pearman Personality Integrator™
Individual Feedback Sessions

Improve your relationships at work and home and increase your effectiveness by receiving feedback on your own Pearman Pesonality Integrator™ results. Participate in an in-depth feedback session using one of the most powerful Personality assessments available from HPS.

Any assessment is only as good as the feedback you receive on it. Feedback from a knowledgeable, well-trained feedback specialist who has a deep understanding of the instrument being used is essential to ensure that a respondent does not misinterpret the results or fail to see their relevance. High Performing Systems’ feedback specialists are experts in the instruments on which they give feedback. Our expert feedback specialists lead respondents through a one-hour process that helps them identify strengths and out-of-balance areas and gain the self-understanding they need to create an Action Plan.

EI Individual Feedback Image

The Process

The feedback process is simple while the rewards are great. Individuals receive valuable information that, when combined with an Action Plan, helps them achieve their goals, improve relationships, understand and manage their own emotions, and develop their leadership skills.

  • Complete assessment (online)
  • Participate in a one-hour feedback session with an HPS feedback specialist using live, online videoconferencing
  • Create an Action Plan
  • Participate in two 30-minute coaching sessions (optional) using live, online videoconferencing
  • Implement Action Plan


Pearman: live, online videoconferencing feedback is $250. Call us at 706-769-5836 to take The Pearman now!

  • Add two 30-minute live, online videoconferencing coaching sessions for an additional $150

Today’s fast-paced business world requires people to adapt quickly to change and to work effectively with a vast network of people, often from all over the globe. According to Dr. Henry L. Thompson, because of this environment, understanding your personality is one of the most important factors in leader success, interpersonal relationships and collaboration. The first step in using personality to facilitate leadership relationships and collaboration is getting accurate and in-depth feedback from someone who is knowledgeable about the Pearman and experienced in giving feedback.

 For more information about The Pearman call 706-769-5836 or click here.


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