High Performance Leadership-II™ (HPL-II) is a three-month long integrated system of advanced leadership skills for managers, directors and executives who want to lead successfully on a dynamic business landscape. HPL-II features advanced high-level modules that focus on the primary leadership and management skills at the manager, director and executive levels. 
A customized combination of lecturettes, experiential exercises, discussion “homework” (practical application of the skills learned), management flight simulators and advanced materials ensure the highest level of skill development. Two key features are a staff study and a multi-rater assessment. Participants will see themselves through the eyes of their employees and their boss, using the Assessment of Basic Leader Effectiveness II® (ABLE-II®).
Each participant takes part in a comprehensive Pre-Assessment that includes an in-depth analysis of work performance, personality, communication style, interpersonal relations style, emotional intelligence, motivation and the multi-rater leadership assessment (ABLE-II®). Each HPL-II is custom fitted to the participants and their organization to ensure maximum usability and application.
A Follow-Up Session, complete with post-assessment (ABLE-II®), is conducted four to six months after completion of the training to evaluate successes and reinforce skills and application. Evaluation and reinforcement are critical to the success of any training program. (Call 706-769-5836 for more information.)