Recorded: Thursday, April 9, 2009
Length: Approximately 60 minutes |
Award-winning organizational psychologist Henry L.
(Dick) Thompson,
and HPS Senior Consultant Curt Cisrow, M.A.,
revealed seven key strategies
for developing
High Potentials and High Performers that
really work!
Find out how to develop High Potentials and High Performers in today's tough economy.
Plus, learn
how to be more effective when creating Development Plans for leaders already overwhelmed by having to deliver greater ROI - faster, cheaper and with fewer resources than
ever before.
By attending this Webinar, you will learn how to:
- Identify competencies by Role Level and organizational needs
- Identify Strengths and Areas for Improvement
- Create Development Plans
- Use Metrics/S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Provide Resources and Support
- Manage the Process
- Track and Monitor Development
- Click here to receive the set of the PowerPoints® used in the presentation.
Session Presenters:
Dr. Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, HPS President & CEO
Curt Cisrow, HPS Senior Consultant
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