Recorded: April 26, 2011
Length: Appriximately 60 minutes |
Mapping Leader competencies is a popular technique for HR and OD professionals
to aid in Leader performance and development, as well as succession
planning initiatives
and more. The objective is to identify specific skills and behaviors
are essential to a current or future Leader's ability to succeed in his/her job and enable the
overall business to win in the marketplace.
But, how can organizations know if the selected competencies are the right ones for their Leaders? A common organizational mistake is to map, validate and apply the same Leader competencies company wide - regardless of Role Level or position. Further, many organizations create leadership development programs that are built around competency models or leadership "pillars" that have been selected using an intuitive process.
In this in-depth Webcast - presented by award-winning Organizational Psychologist and Leadership Expert Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D. - HR and OD pros will learn how to turn mapping pitfalls into successes using a proven method for selecting Leader competencies at different Role Levels, plus how to strengthen selection accuracy using validated assessment and development processes.
Attend this complimentary Webcast and you will:
- Understand the importance of Competency Mapping by Leader position & Role Level
- Learn how to identify and validate the "right" competencies that really impact performance and the bottom line
- Understand why choosing from a "competencies list" is not the best approach
- Learn training and development techniques that are focused on the real needs of the organization's Leaders
Receive a copy of the presentation handouts.
Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., HPS President & CEO
Debra Cannarella, HPS VP of Operations
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