Recorded: February 2013
Length: Approximately 60 Minutes |
In this webcast, award-winning Organizational Psychologist, Leadership and Assessment
Expert Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., will teach you how to improve the precision of your
Talent Management decisions by combining the powerful analytics of two widely-recognized,
data-driven assessments - the EQ-i® 2.0 and FIRO® Element B™.
You will learn why Emotional Intelligence is a critical factor shared by successful leaders and how it
can be measured and applied to talent management. In addition, you will discover why FIRO Element B
is considered one of the best assessments available for helping to hire, develop and retain best-fit leaders in organizations. .
Using Emotional Intelligence and FIRO Element B together can help you:
- Develop Success Profiles that predict which candidate will be the best fit for an open position
- Understand developmental needs of leaders to create training plans that have the biggest payoff
- Build a succession plan to ensure a ready pipeline of leaders
- Increase accuracy in promotion decisions
- Apply legally defensible assessments to recruit and select employees and increase hiring accuracy
Attend the webcast and you will receive a copy of the presentation handouts, one free administration of the FIRO Element B, one discounted administration of the EQ-i (measures Emotional Intelligence), and become eligible for a tuition discount when attending one of High Performing Systems' certification training courses.
Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., HPS President and CEO
Debra Cannarella, HPS VP of Operations
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