Recorded: December 10, 2009
Length: Approximately 60 minutes |
The recession of the past 18 months has negatively affected many
ability to engage, retain and manage talent. In this fast-paced
Organizational Psychologist Dr. Henry L. (Dick) Thompson
will address the questions: What
happened? How did we get here? And more importantly,
as the economy begins to turn, what
should Talent Managers do now to be better prepared
to achieve greater success in 2010 and beyond?
How You Will Benefit
Attend this Complimentary Webcast and you will learn:
- What changes Organizations need to make in Talent Management Programs for greater success in 2010 and beyond
- Lessons we need to make sure we have learned
- Success requirements for High Performing Organizations - Now and in the Future
- Current and Future conversations inside the Organization that must happen about the role of Talent Management to achieve High Performance
- Talent Management derailment factors
Attendee Bonus: Presentation Handouts by Email following the Webcast!
Session Presenter:
Dr. Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, HPS President & CEO
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