Recorded: June 1, 2012
Length: Approximately 25 minutes |
In this Webcast, Element B expert Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., author of
Introduction to FIRO Element B In Organizations, provides the psychometric
on why Element B is a reliable and valid psychological instrument.
Frequently asked questions
about Element B include, Why do the scores range
from 0 to 9? Why does it ask the same
questions several times? Why does it seem
to be biased against “high” scores? Element B was constructed using the Guttman
scaling method, and once you understand what the Guttman method
is, these questions
go away. He discusses the linkage between Element B and other instruments, resulting in
an overview of the depth and richness of the instrument. Coaches, HR leaders, consultants,
Human Element practitioners and trainers, you will be able to respond to questions from senior
leaders as you work with them to develop their leadership skills.
- To understand the background of Element B
- To review some of the psychometric reliability and validity data of Element B
- To address frequently asked questions about the characteristics of Element B
- To remove any doubts about the validity of Element B
Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., HPS President and CEO
Dr. Thompson is an award-winning organizational psychologist, leadership expert, author and President and CEO of High Performing Systems, Inc., an international management consulting and training firm he founded in 1984. He is a frequent speaker for business and professional organizations around the world. In the early eighties, Dr. Thompson was a student of the legendary FIRO® creator, Will Schutz, Ph.D. He partnered with Dr. Schutz to expand the use of FIRO® theory and instruments in organizations. He developed the first Human Element® Software System™, the first Element B™, Element F™ and Element S™ World-Wide Web assessment system, the Team Compatibility Report™ and an Element B Organizational Interpretive Report™. Dr Thompson has continued to develop FIRO® theory, instruments and materials through his research. He is the author of numerous FIRO® and Human Element® related materials and assessments and is the leading researcher on FIRO® theory. (Read More) |
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