Recorded: June 14, 2012
Length" Approximately 60 minutes |

How does your organization decide who to hire? Who to promote? How do you put
together project teams or choose mentors? In this Webcast - presented by Emotional
Intelligence (EI) expert Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., co-editor of Handbook for De-
veloping Emotional and Social Intelligence - HR and OD managers will learn how to increase
accuracy, improve individual and team performance and reduce turnover by integrating
success profiles into the selection process. Dr. Thompson will also share organizational best practices for applying EI applications when hiring and promoting leaders and when developing teams.
How You Will Benefit: Attend this complimentary Webcast and you will:
- Understand the importance of integrating Emotional Intelligence (EI) into talent selection
- Learn how to create and use EI success profiles to promote or hire the right person
- Discover the value of EI team profiles to build better teams
- Understand the real cost of hiring or promoting the wrong person
- Understand how to create legally defensible EI success profiles
Receive a copy of the PowerPoint® slides used in the presentation. Click Here
Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., HPS President & CEO
Karen Schwind, HPS Senior Consultant
Debra Cannarella, HPS VP of Operations
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