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An Application Tool for the MBTI Instrument.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® Assessment

According to CPP, Inc., publisher of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI ® ) instrument, more than two million people complete MBTI Questionnaires annually in the US alone, making it the most widely used and reliable personality assessment in the world. Over 50 years of research and use support the MBTI instrument's reliability as a useful tool for management and human resource development, career and personal counseling, teambuilding and improving communication.

By identifying and describing 8 preferences (Extraversion, Introversion, Sensing, iNtuiting, Thinking, Feeling, Judging, Perceiving) and 16 different Types, the MBTI assessment increases awareness of individual styles of gathering information, making decisions and interacting with others. This information promotes a greater understanding of self and others.

The MBTI instrument is an integral part of High Performing Systems' consulting and training, being used in over 90% of projects. Applications include personal growth and development; leader, team and organization development; communication; conflict resolution; decisionmaking; and problemsolving.

Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D., founder of HPS, has used his vast experience and expertise with psychological type and the MBTI instrument to position HPS as a world leader in practical applications and advancing knowledge of MBTI and Type concepts. Some of his contributions are summarized below.

Dr. Thompson:

  • Is known internationally for his work with the MBTI instrument and psychological type theory and is a frequent international speaker and conference presenter on this topic.
  • Is an MBTI Qualifying Instructor and has trained hundreds of people on how to administer, interpret and give feedback on the MBTI instrument and its appropriate ethical use.
  • Has given MBTI feedback to thousands of individuals across his career.
  • Is a recipient of the prestigious Mary McCaulley Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding work with the MBTI instrument.
  • Serves on the Board of Directors for the Association for Psychological Type International (APTi) as the Interest Area Coordinator and is a two-term past president of the Georgia APT chapter.
  • Served two terms as the Management and Organizational Development Consultant for APTi.
  • Has published dozens of articles on psychological type (MBTI) theory, especially as it relates to organizational development and dynamics, communication, leadership, coaching and interpersonal skills development.
  • Is regarded as an expert on psychological type theory and has served on numerous doctoral dissertation and master's thesis committees and research project teams.
  • Is the creator and sole facilitator for the TeamDynamicsT workshop, a train-the-trainer workshop that teaches advanced applications of MBTI for working with teams and leaders.
  • Created the Type Compatibility MatrixT , an analytical method for using MBTI data to evaluate potential compatibilities on teams and workgroups.
  • Created The CommunicationWheel as a tool for improving communication using MBTI concepts (see more below).
  • Wrote and published the first book, Jung's Function-Attitudes Explained , devoted to an in-depth exploration of the function-attitudes in Carl Jung's theory, the foundation upon which the MBTI instrument was developed.
  • Created the Function-Attitudes MatrixT and its applications.

Benefits of Using MBTI Instrument Improves self-development

  • Improves work relationships
  • Increases team/workgroup performance
  • Improves communication
  • Helps resolve conflict
  • Lasting impact

Applications of Psychological Type and the MBTI Instrument

High Performing Systems, Inc., has been using Psychological Type and the MBTI instrument to help move organizations in to the High Performance Zone since 1984. During that time we have become a world leader in the development of new MBTI applications and research. We provide customized training using the MBTI and other instruments to ensure the most effective training available anywhere.

Individual Feedback

The MBTI instrument is one of the most used personality instruments in the world for providing individual feedback. HPS feedback specialists are experts on the MBTI instrument and in providing individual feedback in a variety of formats. The MBTI instrument provides a "reported" Type based on how a person responded to the questions. As with all psychological instruments, there is always some systemic measurement error. Additionally, the respondent's mindset when answering the questions may influence the accuracy of the report. Having a "bad hair" day could influence how you respond (see Thompson & Walsh, 2000 , "Job" Type vs. "Home" Type, for more information on this topic). Thus, we strongly believe in personal feedback to help people "validate" their Type (see Thompson, 1998 ) and answer their questions. Click here to take the MBTI.


HPS' extensive experience with executive coaching is based on an integrated systems approach, the most effective means for accomplishing the objectives of the coaching agreement. Our philosophy is that coaching and assessment go hand in hand. The desired results of coaching can best be achieved by carefully choosing a pre-assessment process focused on the long-term needs of the coachee and the organization.

We believe a "multiple-lens" approach provides a more accurate determination of an individual's specific needs. is used To provide the foundational information for the coaching process, we often use the MBTI Step II instrument. For the most in-depth, comprehensive assessment available we combine MBTI with our Leadership Potential Equation System of analysis. Results of this analysis determine a leader's potential for success in current roles as well as potential across time at higher role Levels.

HPS provides personalized coaching from the individual contributor to the CEO level working closely with our clients from the pre-assessment phase through the implementation of action plans. Some assessments are proprietary and are only available through HPS.


Understanding and dealing with our differences, as well as our similarities, is probably the most difficult task we face in our personal and professional lives. Our team and workgroup sessions use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI ® ) instrument, the most widely used personality assessment in American business, to focus on individual talents and strengths. Understanding personality is one of the keys to improving team performance.

Team members learn about their own preferences and how they "fit" with the preferences of others (workgroups, managers, clients etc.); how work assignments can be made and accomplished more effectively; how to improve communication; how to minimize the negative aspects of conflict; how to present information most effectively; how to design more effective problem solving groups and how to assist team members in maximizing their individual and collective strengths.

Identifying personality Type preferences and learning how to constructively use differences helps team members maximize their task assignments and improve performance as individual contributors and collectively. Special features include:

  • Individual feedback
  • Team/Work Group feedback
  • Understanding Differences
  • Working Together
  • Building Trust
  • TEAM ModelT


A common question asked by those new to psychological type and MBTI is, "Now that we know about Type, what do we do with it?" The CommunicationWheel ® , an application tool for building on basic MBTI concepts, answers that question. While the MBTI suggests a person's preferences for interacting with the environment, the CommunicationWheel pinpoints the predominant "language" that person tends to use most of the time. In addition, the CommunicationWheel turns type concepts into a concrete, visual picture.

Research has identified four different "languages" used in communication. Each of us uses one or two of these languages most of the time. Mismatched languages are a leading cause of costly communication problems. A sender and a receiver using different languages usually results in failure to communicate. The MBTI instrument indicates a development preference that helps determine which language a person is most likely to use.

  • The CommunicationWheel provides special features such as:
  • A Dynamic Communication Model
  • Languages and Dialects
  • The Communication Wheel® reusable graphic
  • Applications in the Workplace
  • Introduction to the CommunicationWheel® (Thompson, 2000)
  • The CommunicationWheel® Workbook (Thompson, 1997, 2 nd ed.)
  • The CommunicationWheel®: A Resource Book (Thompson, 1995)


Conflict often stems from "personality differences." In organizations, conflict tends to produce a ripple effect with widespread, negative results. When people understand the basics of how they are different and have the vocabulary and tools to address these differences, they become more accepting and can take steps to reduce conflict. Special features conflict training using Psychological Type include:

  • How We See the World
  • Overcoming Differences
  • Working Together
  • Conflict Model


Personality drives the processes we use to gather information, make decisions and solve problems. Understanding personality differences helps us put together the best problemsolving teams and increases the overall effectiveness of work teams.

  • Special features include:
  • Problemsolving Dynamics
  • Decisionmaking
  • The "Z" Model of Decisionmaking
  • Problemsolving with Teams

For more information call 706-769-5836 or email

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