Based on over 20 years of research by Dr. Reuven Bar-On and tested on over 110,000 individuals worldwide, BarOn EQ-i® is the first measure of emotional intelligence to be reviewed in the Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook. BarOn EQ-i® measures emotionally and socially intelligent behavior as reported by respondents. A growing body of research suggests that emotional intelligence is a key determinant of success in life (refer to for more information).
BarOn EQ-i® consists of 133 items and includes four validity indices and a sophisticated correction factor rendering scores for the following components:
• Intrapersonal (Self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization)
• Interpersonal (Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Interpersonal Relationship)
• Stress Management (Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control)
• Adaptability (Reality Testing, Flexibility, and Problem Solving)
• General Mood Scale (Optimism and Happiness)
BarOn EQ-i® can be used in clinical, educational, forensic, medical, corporate, human resources, and research settings. In psychodiagnostics, it can assess a client's general degree of emotional intelligence, potential for emotional health, and psychological well-being. Results can point to areas needing further exploration, determine the overall need for therapy, establish clear therapeutic goals, decide when to terminate therapy, evaluate the successfulness of psychological intervention, and evaluate the potential for success for those being considered for substance abuse rehabilitation.
The Individual Summary Report provides, in a 4-page graphical format, the overall EQ score, scores for each of the 5 composite scales and 15 subscales, and validity indicator results.
The Development Report includes the information available in the Individual Summary as well as an in-depth explanation of the meaning of the scores, individual strengths and weaknesses, and actions to improve emotional intelligence.
The Resource Report presents EQ-i® scores in a graphical format conducive to development, coaching, and counseling. Ideally used to share BarOn EQ-i® results with the respondent, this report omits numerical scores in the graphical portion and uses terminology such as "Area for Enrichment," "Effective Functioning," and "Enhanced Skills."
Available in both the Development Report and Resource Report, a separate Counselor's Section contains all numerical scores, validity information, and other valuable insight into BarOn EQ-i® scores.
The Group Report provides a 30-page anonymous summary of emotional intelligence results for a group of respondents.
The Individual Across Administrations Report demonstrates one of the most compelling features of EQ -- that it can be developed and improved over time. This report compares two to four of a respondent's EQ-i® administrations to pinpoint areas that are improving and those that require further enrichment.
The Individual to Group Report compares an individual's results to those of a group to which they belong so you can investigate whether differences are benefiting or impeding teamwork.
The Group to Group Report allows you to compare the scores of two groups.
The Group Across Administrations Report compares the results of two to four administrations for the same group. This report is a great tool for evaluating the effectiveness of intervention efforts and training programs.
The comprehensive Technical Manual provides detailed information about the administration, scoring, interpretation, development, norming, reliability, and validity of BarOn EQ-i®.
The concise User's Manual is ideal for professionals who require only essential information on the administration, scoring, and interpretation.
The Facilitator's Guide explains how to properly interpret and give feedback to respondents.
The Administrator's Guide provides users with step-by-step information on administration procedures, maintaining confidentiality, and obtaining informed consent.
The Technical Manual is required for information on administration, scoring, and interpretation.
The User's Manual, Administrator's Guide, and Facilitator's Guide are recommended for all EQ-i®. For Mail-In/Fax-In scoring, you will need Mail-In/Fax-In Response Sheets (specify Individual Summary, Development, or Resource) and Item Booklets (reusable).
Software and Web Administration
BarOn EQ-i® for Windows®
BarOn EQ-i® software quickly administers, scores, and reports the results for BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory. Administer EQ-i® live on the computer screen in approximately 25 minutes or use the QuikEntry feature to enter paper-and-pencil results. Individual Summary, Development, and Resource Reports (black and white only) can be generated with the software in English, Spanish, or French.
BarOn EQ-i® software works with PsychManager™: Your Professional and Personal Organizer for clinical settings and PeoplePro™ for human resource environments. PsychManager Lite™ or PeoplePro™ comes with purchase of BarOn EQ-i®. The Preview Version allows you to assess three individuals. The PsychManager™ or PeoplePro™ ordering feature quickly "unlocks" additional uses with a phone call.
To score administrations and generate reports, purchase Individual Summary, Development, or Resource Report uses. The software is free with the purchase of uses.
BarOn EQ-i® Version 5 for Windows®
BarOn EQ-i® V.5 software works with MHS SmartLink™, MHS' latest client-management program. BarOn EQ-i® V.5 offers fast report generation, detailed client-searching capabilities, easy access from your Windows® desktop, flexible multiuser security, and scalability for growth to networks of any size. BarOn EQ-i® V.5 can also be customized for enterprise-wide use with existing client-management systems. In addition to the Individual Summary, Development, and Resource report options, BarOn EQ-i® V.5 software also generates Group and Comparative reports: Individual Across Administrations, Individual to Group, Group to Group, and Groups Across Administration (described above). These reports help maximize your use of the valuable information gained from EQ-i® administrations by comparing scores over time or between groups.
Web Administration
The growing global economy means that your clients may no longer be located in the same city or even in the same country as you. MHS offers the BarOn EQ-i® assessment completely online in multiple languages so you can avoid the cost of shipping Response Sheets and Item Booklets. Your clients will access a secure website and complete their assessment online. Responses are scored by MHS and you will receive a report via email, fax, or mail. To score the responses yourself, you can enter them into the BarOn EQ-i® software described above. BarOn EQ-i® Online is compatible with Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4.7 and higher.
BarOn Emotional Quotient–interview Research Version (BarOn EQ-interview™ RV)
BarOn EQ-interview™ RV was developed for use during the interview process following administration of the BarOn EQ-i® to gain further insight into your clients. For each of the 15 EQ-i® subscales, EQ-interview™ provides probing questions designed to elicit information about the interviewee's functioning in each area. Using information derived from the probing questions, the interviewer rates the individual on a number of items. The ratings are made on a five-point scale ranging from "Very Seldom True of Him/Her" to "Very Often True of Him/Her."
Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (BarOn EQ-i:YV) - Information
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