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An Application Tool for the MBTI Instrument.

TeamWork Questionnaire™

TWQ LogoThe TeamWork Questionnaire™ (TWQ) is an assessment instrument designed to provide teams a method of identifying the team members’ perceptions of how well the team is performing on three dimensions: Human, Operational and Cultural. These three dimensions are divided into 18 subscales. The subscales were chosen based on years of experience
in observing the key intangible variables influencing team performance.

Human: Shared leadership; Cooperation; Communication; Commitment; Mistakes; Happiness

Operational: Goalsetting; Problemsolving; Adaptability; Decisionmaking; Talents

Cultural: Trust; Opinions; Cohesion; Values; Rules; Competition

The results of the TeamWork Questionnaire are used to:

  • Identify team developmental needs
  • Open lines of communication
  • Benchmark team performance
  • Measure training effectiveness
  • Document performance trends
  • Improve team performance
  • Develop targeted action plans

Each team member completes a short questionnaire where they give their perception of the team's current performance on the three TeamWork dimensions and 18 subscales above. Their scores are averaged to provide a team profile of the team’s current state in these areas. The subscales have also been shown to be predictive of the team's current performance in those areas.

Teams receive a graph that shows the team's deviation from the national norm. The national norm provides the team a benchmark by which to judge current performance. In some cases the national norm can be replaced by an industry norm or, in large organizations, the organization's norm on the TWQ.

Psychometric Properties

The TWQ consists of 18 questions with a 5 point Likert scale ranging from "strongly disagree" (1) "strongly agree" (5). The team’s average response on each scale is converted to z-scores. Although the TWQ is sensitive to changes in the team's perception, the short-term (2 week) test re-test reliability is relatively high (.78). The 18 subscales show a high internal consistency with a Chronbach alpha of .93. The inter-rater agreement is high with a correlation of .85. Concurrent, construct and predictive validity studies have shown positive correlations across industries. A database of over 500 teams was used to establish the national TWQ norm.


The post TWQ provides a graphic representation of the effect of any type of intervention (training, team development, etc.) used to enhance the team’s performance. TWQ results are presented graphically in a manner that allows for a direct comparison between the pre- and post-TWQ scores.


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