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An Application Tool for the MBTI Instrument.

Communication Preference Questionnaire™

Communication Preference Questionnaire™
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The Communication Preference Questionnaire ™ (CPQ ™) was developed by Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D., as a quick and powerful self-assessment to determine the language and dialect an individual prefers to use when engaged in a conversation with another person. It is available as a self-scorable paper or on-line assessment. The questions are based on Jungian theory and empirical research.


The CPQ identifies which of the four languages (Sensing, iNtuiting, Thinking and Feeling) the person uses most often in oral conversation.


Dialects result from the interaction of the primary and supporting languages and give a more accurate description of how a person communicates. Each language breaks into two dialects for a total of eight (Sensing-Thinking, Sensing-Feeling, iNtuiting-Thinking, iNtuiting-Feeling, Thinking-Sensing, Thinking-iNtuiting, Feeling-Sensing and Feeling-iNtuiting).


The CPQ is a multi-use instrument for interventions in which communication is a key factor. Some applications include:

  • Teambuilding. Effective communication is essential for high performing teams. Understanding the language a team member speaks greatly enhances team communication.
  • Communication Training. The CPQ is ideal for teaching both basic and advanced communication.
  • Conflict Resolution. A significant portion of conflict emanates from mis-communication. The results of the CPQ can help remove this barrier.
  • Counseling/Coaching. It has been used throughout the United States and abroad in counseling initiatives. The CPQ provides excellent feedback that can help individuals understand how to interact with others more effectively.
  • Stress. The CPQ has proven quite helpful in demonstrating language shifts when an individual is highly stressed. Recognizing how stress might affect the way a person communicates allows them to focus on communicating more effectively when tensions are high.


The CPQ is applicable at all organizational levels and can be used in individual or group settings. The paper version takes approximately five minutes to complete and score. The on-line version takes approximately two minutes to complete (scoring is automatic). Feedback can be presented in the form of a language and dialect summary table or a dialect report.


The eleven item format consists of ten forced-choice pairs of statements and one forced-choice selection among four words. Even thought the CPQ is a relatively short instrument, it has proven to be reliable and valid. The CPQ has a .51 correlation (p<.001) with the language spoken and has a test-retest reliability of .96. By comparison, the 126 question Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (Form G) has a .50 correlation (p<.001) with the spoken language.

See Sample Report Here

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