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An Application Tool for the MBTI Instrument.

ARSENAL Assessment™
Arm Yourself Against the Negative Effects of Stress

Pills are not the best way to relieve stress. There is a way to manage and cope with stress. Start building stress resilience today with a proven development tool: the ARSENAL. The ARSENAL Assessment can help you manage stress, develop Stress Resilience and make better decisions. It is based on the ARSENAL Model (below) of seven best practices that are key to resisting the negative effects of stress. ARSENAL measures your overall level of stress as well as how well you are doing now in each of these seven areas.

Seven Best Practices for Building a Stress Resilient System™  

ARSENAL is your ally against stress.

Stress causes heart disease, high blood pressure, weight problems, poor performance, depression and more. Since stress isn't going away completely—some stress is good—you need to be able to bounce back after periods of high stress.

This easy-to-use tool is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their physical and mental performance and reduce stress. Professionals, coaches, trainers and consultants can use the ARSENAL Assessment with leaders, teams and individuals. Use ARSENAL to reduce stress, determine how well stress reduction efforts are working and to collect data that show performance and financial benefits.

Take the ARSENAL Assessment online now for $35, receive your Report by email and watch a short video about the best practices; or, take the ARSENAL online now for $250 and receive a personal debrief session with an HPS feedback specialist. Your ARSENAL results include a personalized plan to help you become more Stress Resilient. View a sample report.

Benefits of the ARSENAL Assessment

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve overall health
  • Control emotions and stay calmer
  • Improve performance
  • Increase ability to tolerate stress
  • Make better decisions
  • Build new brain cells and Increase brain functioning
  • Reduce healthcare costs


  • Health and safety
  • Employee wellness programs
  • Leadership development
  • Individual development
  • Organizational development
  • Designing stress reduction initiatives
  • Measuring training and coaching effectiveness
  • Executive and general coaching
  • Performance measurement

Quick Facts

Age Range
18 years and older

Completion Time
10-15 minutes

Number of Items

Online for quick and easy administration

Qualification Level
ARSENAL Certified


ARSENAL is important for Leaders and Organizations.

“As economic pressures at home combine with an ever-changing global economy, the demands on leaders will continue to mount, as will the stress levels in organizations.” ~Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D., author of The Stress Effect: Why Smart Leaders Make Dumb Decisions—And What to Do About It

Leaders make decisions all day every day. Too much stress has a huge impact on a leader's ability to access Emotional Intelligence and cognitive ability (IQ), two essential components of decision making. When stress goes up, the ability to use them to make good decisions goes down. Poor decisions contribute to lost jobs and profit and to leader derailment.

Use ARSENAL to stop the downward spiral that stress can cause in decision making. Leaders must be able to use their Emotional Intelligence and cognitive ability in tandem to make the best decisions.

ARSENAL Features

  • Online assessment takes minutes to complete
  • Spider graph shows results in relation to each other
  • Bar graphs drill down to individual areas
  • Numerical results pinpoint exact score on 1-10 scale
  • Narrative explanation of individual results
  • Systems approach to building and maintaining stress resilience
  • Practical tips for immediate improvement
  • Personal development plan with step-by-step instructions


This sample shows that this person is strong in Exercise & Nutrition, good in Support & Learning and could benefit from improvement in Awareness, Rest & Attitude.

ARSENAL Assessment Report

The ARSENAL™ Assessment Report provides both visual and narrative feedback. See a sample report here.

  • Part I provides a bar graph showing overall results, including a numerical score between one and ten as shown to the side
  • Part II contains an ARSENAL subscale graph, showing results for all seven best practices.
  • Part III breaks the results down into the seven best practices.
  • Part IV contains a development plan with step-by-step instructions to help increase Stress Resilience.


ARSENAL Overall Results

Best Practice - Exercise
Sample Graph Results



To get the full impact of ARSENAL, respondents must implement their development plan and then reassess to determine whether they have achieved their goals. Completing the ARSENAL again three to six months after the initial assessment provides two primary benefits. Respondents can

  • Determine the effectiveness of their development plan and make changes in areas where little improvement has occurred.
  • Establish a seasonal stress baseline by taking the ARSENAL every three months for a year. This points out whether particular times of the year are more stressful. You can plan for additional coaching or training to reinforce the seven best practices prior to these times.

ARSENAL Certification

Become certified to use the ARSENAL Assessment with your clients or in your organization. Online certification is $295 and ARSENAL account set up and maintenance is Free. Call 706-769-5836 for more information or visit the ARSENAL Certification page.

Does Your Company Need Help with Stress Management?

High Performing Systems can help you manage stress, use your Emotional Intelligence, make better decisions and become Stress Resilient. Call 706-769-5836 to talk with an experienced member of our team.

We can help your leaders learn how to operate within an optimal range of stress, use tools to manage stress, and build Stress Resilience with their own personal ARSENAL™ of best practices.

Quick Links

Take the ARSENAL Assessment online ($35)

Take the ARSENAL Assessment online with Feedback ($250)

ARSENAL Assessment Online Certification ($295)

Decision Making Under Stress

Leaders Need Stress Relief

High Performance Leadership Training

Why is Emotional Intelligence Important?

Combat Stress in Healthcare Environments Using ARSENAL

Be Ready for What Comes Tomorrow

Read The Stress Effect: Why Smart Leaders Make Dumb Decisions—And What to Do About It

Leadership Coaching

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