In 2022 we will begin shaping the post-COVID world using the New Science of Leadership. The new, new normal will require an enhanced understanding of how to structure and lead organizations in an evolving world of speed, agility, technology and science-based decision making. Leaders and organizations will be required to operate at higher cognitive and emotional levels than ever before. This program challenges executives to think strategically and make faster, more accurate decisions—even under stress—than thought possible before 2021.
If you have ever considered mentoring, now is the time. COVID-19 and the other events of 2020 perturbed the human system. This system will self-organize into a much more complex structure. Leaders need to adopt the New Science of Leadership to adapt to new complexities that will emerge in 2022. Partner with an expert mentor to help prepare you to lead your organization in the new world.
- Learn your cognitive ability strengths and growth trajectory
- Expand your strategic and visionary thinking
- Prepare your executive team with the success requirements of the post-COVID environment and beyond
- Redesign your organization with strategy formulation and systems integration
- Significantly raise your Stress Resilience
- Improve decision making under high stress
- Master Emotional Intelligence
- Prepare executives and organizations for the new Post-COVID world
- Focus on real-world solutions, not just case studies or academic models
- Provide in-depth feedback on executive assessments
- Introduce The New Science of Leadership required for success in the new world
- Help executives navigate the coming turbulence and chaos
- Provide real-world application and strategic assignments
- Create networking connections with a cohort group of executives from various organizations and a range of industries
- Discuss leadership lessons from special operations combat teams that will apply to corporate America in 2022 and beyond
- CEOs
- C-Suite
- VPs & Aspiring VPs
We have over 37 years of experience helping Executives lead organizations through complexity. We are experts in executive assessment and development, stress management, Emotional Intelligence, building resilience, Cognitive Ability, decision making under stress and more. These topics are critical for managing COVID-19 and being prepared to lead organizations as we emerge from this current situation into a new landscape.
Your 6-month program begins with the completion of assessments and debrief (approximately 5 hours, at your convenience). You’ll then meet twice per month for the next 6 months in web and phone sessions between 1 and 3 hours each. Apply your insights and lessons to real-world applications through the completion of readings, assignments, etc. (approximately 5-10 hours per month) between sessions.
Dr. Dick Thompson, President and CEO of High Performing Systems, Inc., is a senior executive and psychologist with over 50 years of leadership experience. An internationally recognized leader, consultant, scientist, educator and speaker who helps executives and organizations move into the high performance zone. Dr. Thompson has published numerous books, articles, software, psychological instruments and training manuals on personality, emotional intelligence, MBTI, EQ-i, MSCEIT, leadership, teams, cognitive ability, the New Science of Leadership, FIRO and stress. He is an expert on Decision Making Under Stress, a former military Special Operations team leader and current Ironman competitor.
A systems approach is used with individuals and organizations to apply chaos and complexity theory and artificial intelligence applications.
Contact HPS at 706-769-5836 to learn more.
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